How to edit footer credit in Ghost

All of our Ghost themes include a simple option to edit the footer credit on your site. Simply login to your Ghost dashboard > Settings > Site > Design & Branding > Customize > Go to Theme tab > Site Wide section > 'Footer Text'.

When adding your custom footer text, the input field does not accept HTML. If you want a copyright symbol you can use this: ‘©‘. Be sure to save any changes.

If you need an advanced approach that requires custom HTML, then editing the Ghost template file is required. Please note, if any of our themes are ever updated and you replace the updated theme with your customized theme, your custom edits will be overwritten.

The file to edit the footer is: default.hbs. Look for the following line of code and edit accordingly.

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If you need help with this, we can edit the site credit for you for only $25 per theme.